Day #5 Tuesday - “Happy 10th Birthday Darian!”

Darian turns 10 today so the day started off with a quiet breakfast, followed by present opening with the Barthels. From Mum, Dad and Zane Darian got a box set of Dr Who books along with a voucher for Games Workshop in UK (so he can buy the latest war hammer miniature he has his eyes on). He had a massive smile as he opened his gift from Kerstin, Stefan and Kjell... Lego plane! One very happy boy! After opening his presents he headed outside to play with Marc, Nordi and Nora for the morning, while Matt and Stefan went for a walk with Kjell, and Kerstin and Kerry went shopping for party food for Darian’s party.
Kjell has decided that Kerry’s name is ‘Bon bon’ (which means sweets). He is so funny! She gave him a sweet the other day so he kept calling ‘bon bon’ to her (asking for more). When asked to say her name he then persistently said ‘bon bon’ so Kerry decided to make a little game of it. Now, when asked what Kerry’s name is, he answers ‘bon bon’.... so cute! He says Matt’s name very well. Surprise! Surprise! He absolutely adores Matt, calling out to him in the morning when he gets downstairs for breakfast. We are going to miss him when we leave.
While out shopping Kerstin and Kerry enjoyed a lovely coffee at the cafe and bought some new t-shirts for Darian to wear this afternoon as we celebrate his birthday with the neighbours.


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