A trip to the country ... fresh air & sunshine!

We woke up to a sunshiny day today. Another beautiful Spring day. After a morning of relaxing in the front garden on a picnic blanket and playing badminton we headed out for some country air - Destination: Matt's workmate Bob's farm in the country around Midhurst.

We had a wonderful time strolling around the 10 acre farm, photographing all sorts of paraphenalia and animals. The boys fed the pigs, chickens and ducks as they ran around with Bob & Margaret's many beautiful adopted dogs. They laughed as they ran around, just being children... fantastic to watch! Storm ran around with the other dogs, acting like a pup until she remembered that her hips weren't up to it. She then decided to have a swim in the duck's pond, only to discover that she couldn't get out... Daddy to the rescue :-) Boy, does she smell now!

We went for a drive to a nearby stream and waterfall, where the boys and Storm waded in the shallow, clear water.

Next we headed back to the farm for a cuppa as the native birds flew above our heads. Oh, so lovely! Thanks Bob and Margaret! A fantastic day!


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